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Ware Shoals Dragway Directory

The Track Locator

Started June 1st 2002
Email Addresses For the Public

Name E-Mail Car Image
Webmaster rgettys@greenwood.net    
Ken & Jane Hawkins kjhawkins@prtcnet.com
NOVA not on file yet
David Taylor
  Jr. Dragster Click Here
Kevin M. Henderson
Ken & Janice Garrett fatbackracing@aol.com 1978 Nova image being updated
John R.& Cindy Shea
AERO-AVIATION@worldnet.att.net Nova Click Here
Scotty Knight SCOKNI@msn.com
Click Here
Steve Griffith
sgriffith@aholdusa.com Kawasaki
Roger Hawkins
rdh2@prtcnet.com Camaro not on file yet